Trends and topics in everyday practice

In our blog, we highlight current developments and relevant topics relating to practice administration.


Since 2020, the GesbG has regulated osteopathy. From 2025, a permit based on a master's degree or a recognized diploma is required for independent work.


The physiotherapy industry's opposition to the Federal Council's tariff intervention led to success in 2024, the procedure was suspended and negotiations are given priority.


Transitional podiatry rate, with which podiatrists can bill patients with diabetes or a risk factor for diabetic foot syndrome via compulsory health insurance (OKP).


New registration of podiatry under the OKP compulsory health insurance


The abolition of the PDF invoice form for tariff 590 forces practices to digitally switch to professional, data protection-compliant software with direct insurer billing.


The new tariff 338 requires occupational therapy practices to bill accident, disability and military insurance benefits separately, which makes billing systems more complex and requires adjustments in everyday practice.


Achim Bierbaum describes how increasing regulations and digitalization are increasingly demanding practice administration and data protection in therapeutic practices and underlines the importance of flexible, user-friendly practice software that can support future developments in healthcare.